Want to make a dental appointment?

Delivering affordable dentistry to the heart of our community

Unlike the GP services, you do not need to register with Canada Water Dental Health until you actually want to see a dentist.

We would always start your care by doing a full assessment – as every clinical need is different, we need to identify what you need doing and what treatment options you have so you can make an informed decision about your care.

This page is for the information of those who haven’t used NHS dental services for a long time – or intend to use it for the first time.

Under the NHS you do not pay for your treatments individually – you only pay for the highest band into which that your treatment(s) fall(s).

Unlike the GP services, you do not need to register with Canada Water Dental Health until you actually want to see a dentist.

We would always start your care by doing a full assessment – as every clinical need is different, we need to identify what you need doing and what treatment options you have so you can make an informed decision about your care.

This page is for the information of those who haven’t used NHS dental services for a long time – or intend to use it for the first time.

Under the NHS you do not pay for your treatments individually – you only pay for the highest band into which that your treatment(s) fall(s).

Band 1
Band 1 treatment is the assessment (examination) itself, x-rays, the planning of your further care and if clinically necessary, a scale and polish as well.

Band 2
Band 2 treatments include fillings, root canal treatments and extractions.

Band 3
Band 3 treatments are crowns, bridges and dentures.

This means if multiple treatments are required, you only have to pay one fee of the highest band that your treatment requires.

For example:
If you need a root canal treatment and a crown on one tooth, 2 fillings and an extraction, you will only have to pay the cost of a Band 3 treatment (because of the crown) and no additional payment will be required for the fillings and the extraction. Please note that this charging system only applies for NHS treatments, it excludes any private treatments you may opt for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see the hygienist under the NHS?

Our hygienists only work on a private basis hence we cannot offer an appointment with them under the NHS. If you have tartar built up on the bottom of your teeth, the dentist can remove it for you as part of your examination (Band 1 treatment) but any cosmetic cleaning (ie stain removal) needs to be done privately.

Can I have white fillings under the NHS?

There are very strict criteria for the white fillings under the NHS hence its application is very limited. Please discuss this option with your dentist. However we are happy to offer white fillings on a private basis should it be a suitable treatment for you.

What is the difference between a private and an NHS crown/inlay/denture?

In an extremely simplified way, the main difference lays in the materials used for the appliance. The NHS offers very strong and long lasting appliances but they are usually not as aesthetic as the private ones. For the exact difference and to see what type of materials your appliance would be made of, please consult your dentist.

Can I be seen as an NHS patient in the evenings or on Sunday?

Yes, of course. We do not limit the access of our NHS patients – whenever we are open, we are happy to see you whether you are an NHS or a private patient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see the hygienist under the NHS?

Our hygienists only work on a private basis hence we cannot offer an appointment with them under the NHS. If you have tartar built up on the bottom of your teeth, the dentist can remove it for you as part of your examination (Band 1 treatment) but any cosmetic cleaning (ie stain removal) needs to be done privately.

Can I have white fillings under the NHS?

There are very strict criteria for the white fillings under the NHS hence its application is very limited. Please discuss this option with your dentist. However we are happy to offer white fillings on a private basis should it be a suitable treatment for you.

What is the difference between a private and an NHS crown/inlay/denture?

In an extremely simplified way, the main difference lays in the materials used for the appliance. The NHS offers very strong and long lasting appliances but they are usually not as aesthetic as the private ones. For the exact difference and to see what type of materials your appliance would be made of, please consult your dentist.

Can I be seen as an NHS patient in the evenings or on Sunday?

Yes, of course. We do not limit the access of our NHS patients – whenever we are open, we are happy to see you whether you are an NHS or a private patient.

We are happy to offer NHS examinations and emergency appointments to everyone who are entitled to NHS treatments. However, as the NHS provides clinically necessary treatment to secure and maintain oral health, there are some treatments (mainly cosmetic), which are not available on the NHS; you may chose to have these done privately. Your dentist will be happy to discuss all your treatment options during your assessment.